Presidential Letter
- Date
- 9 February 2007
First of all, my best wishes to all on this the day of our Patron, Saint Apolonia. In about two months we shall be meeting in Moscow for the next ERO Plenary Assembly, where Dr. Patrick Hescot will become the new President.
You are currently receiving the Registration Forms and the Agenda, which reflects the high level of the program and the excellent social activities mapped out, underlining a great job by Dr. Vladimir Sadovski. Please send the Forms ASAP for the necessary visas.
New elections will take place, and I am inviting all the candidates to fill in and send the necessary requirements (included with this letter, as the Constitutional chapter and target dates) for President-Elect, General Secretary and two Board members.
Our eight WG’s will be providing reports and the theme of the year, “Quality”, will be presented by five experts in this important field.
ERO would be pleased to receive proposals from any Association regarding the venue for the next ERO Plenary in 2008, in accordance with the included requirements.
It is my pleasure to announce our brand new web-site, which is being implemented right now. You can find it on: Please send as soon as possible any comments you might have to make it a perfect tool.
It is also a pleasure for me that my own personal task on ethics, “The Ten Commandments”, which I presented to you in Porto, is being developed along with “Professional Responsibilities and Defence” by the Madanes Group, and you will already have received the first questionnaire in this respect.
It is no less a pleasure for me to have my last ERO Plenary in Moscow - as all of you are aware of my efforts to bring Eastern Europe fully into ERO-FDI - plus the first Pan-European Dental Congress.
This is my last Presidential Letter to you and I wish to thank all those people who have helped me during these last three years - and more than 30 journeys – to achieve a better Dentistry throughout Europe, among them the National Associations and especially my devoted Board and Secretariat. Thank you. God bless all of you. I look forward to seeing all of Europe in Moscow.
Yours sincerely,
José Font-Buxó
President ERO-FDI